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day 19 – Dombuhl and the romantic drive and Canola as far as the eye can see

Dombuhl > Dinkelsbühl > Nördlingen > Donauwörth > Augsburg

The Romantic Drive, thats what its known as anyway, Dombuhl > Dinkelsbühl > Nördlingen > Donauwörth > Augsburg or the reverse,  through small cobble stoned colourful towns, thats what the brochure said, thats what lonely planet said, but they didn’t say anything about the rain, anyway, not all was lost, infact it turned out being one of the best days ever :).

Um ok 🙂

Canola, and this wouldn’t be the last

Colourful Cobble Stone towns, love it.

Then as i got to Donauwörth I could hear what sounded like low flying helicopters, and well thats what it was, Donauwörth is the home of Airbus Helicopters in Germany and while I was there a number of military choppers were being tested, I have no idea whats what but damn cool.

I made the decision to start heading back when I noticed black skies just ahead of me, I decided to try and find a high vantage point when I noticed two huge smoke stakes in the distance, I drove up a few dirt roads and finally found a spot, I grabbed a few shots and moved on, little did I know what was just around the corner.

and it happened, the things dreams are made of, Canola dreams that is. I have had an obsession with the bright yellow flower for quite a few years, it all started while on a Kidney Kar Rally back in 2009 and since then anytime I see Canola I have to stop and appreciate it, the difference here however was for starters there were amazing clouds in the sky and secondly the canola was almost 2m high, so what does one do when they have a Canola obsession? they get in amongst it 🙂 I spent almost 45min here getting selfies, taking videos, and just admiring the bright yellow against the dark clouds, if this was heaven well I was here.

I look rather happy dont I?

Just how high it was.

I found Brenda 😉 aka Brenz 🙂

An amazing end to a rather bland start to the day, I made my way to Dinkelsbühl and had an amazing meal in one of the collest little towns I have ever visited, just another place to add to my never end return trip lists ;).

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