VettasM – Professional Photographer, Vlogger, Drone Operator » VettasM - Professional Photographer, Vlogger, Drone Operator

Day 34 – downhill to Innsbruck

I was out of the mountains finally, it took so much longer than I had hopped, nonetheless I arrived at yet another picture perfect town, it was almost 3pm by this time and I was hungry, yet again I couldn’t find a single eatery, crazy, so I kept going.

Someones private property 😉 I did try to go further but the road wasn’t the best so took the safe option and headed back.

Let there be light.

Now these guys where so friendly, I spent about 45min with these guys, hahah

Stoned Cow!!!

Innsbrusk hosted the 1964 and 1976 Winter Olympics, so there are remains of the facilities all over the city, this was one of the Ski Jumps which is also used in the summer months, I missed out by 15min from seeing people jumping, stupid cows.

Cows in Mahmooooooos, GOLD!!!

By the time I got to Innsbruck it was almost 8pm, there wasnt much open and it was to late to do anything else so I decided a high mountain city shot was in order, I found another goat road and off we went.

When I said goat road, I meant it, the road was like this for almost 10km, I saw no cars only Mountain Bikers and the occasional walker.

Spectacular views of the city.

Look at this handsome devil, I have never seen a horse with a white manes.

Another sign of Innsbruck s Olympic history.

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